*Your arrangement is made fresh to order. Allow our florist to choose the best flowers for your bouquet. Please know this image is only an example design.*
Designer's Choice Best Value
*Your arrangement is made fresh to order. Allow our florist to choose the best flowers for your bouquet. Please know this image is only an example design.*
Designer's Choice Best Value
During checkout, you may be offered additional finishing touches like chocolates, plush animals, or hand-written cards
Gift options available at checkout
Get the most bang for your buck with our designers choice. Let our experienced designers pick the perfect design for your special occasion. We take great pride in these arrangements and allow the designers to create something truly special. The arrangement shown is not the one that will be made, it is just an example. Designer's choice is left up to the designers. If you have any specifics please let us know (ex. No roses or lilies.)
- Best Value
- 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
- Same-day Delivery
DELIVERY: Every order is hand-delivered direct to the recipient. These items will be delivered by us locally, or a qualified retail local florist.