Your Local Fargo Florist & Greenhouse | Flower Delivery Fargo, ND

Local Flower Delivery


About Our Flower Shop

Send flowers to Fargo, ND easily with Shotwell Floral, your local Fargo florist offering same-day flower delivery, gift delivery and greenhouse plant delivery seven days a week. All orders are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee, whether you order flowers online or give us a call directly.

In business for over 130 years, Shotwell Floral is proud to have helped our customers celebrate milestones, commemorate achievements and even send their condolences to friends, family, coworkers and loved ones near and far. We carry a large assortment of top-quality blooms, including romantic red roses, stunning and elegant calla lilies, springtime tulips, cheerful sunflowers, brilliant daisies and colorful carnations. No matter your loved one’s favorite flower or favorite color, trust the experts at your favorite Fargo flower shop to curate an arrangement they will absolutely love to receive. For inspiration, simply browse our selection of birthday flowers, anniversary flowers, get well soon flowers, funeral and sympathy flowers, and more.

For your convenience, we offer same-day flower delivery to local funeral homes and hospitals. Express your deepest condolences with a sympathy basket sent straight to the funeral home or the grieving family’s residence. Or celebrate the arrival of a new baby boy or new baby girl with flowers and a cute gift for the new mom and dad, sent straight to their hospital room. You can also cheer up a friend with our bright selection of flowers expressing your hope of a speedy recovery!

Shotwell Floral is also thrilled to provide wedding flowers and event flowers for your special day! Please drop in to our Fargo flower shop to speak to us directly or call us to discuss your wedding day vision. Our experience creating wedding bouquets, aisle decorations, altar decorations, reception flowers and centerpieces is unmatched by any other local florist. We can’t wait to exceed your expectations!

In addition to Fargo flower delivery, Shotwell Floral also offers local flower delivery to West Fargo, Horace, Hickson, and Oxbow, North Dakota as well as to Moorhead and Dilworth, Minnesota. You may also select arrangements for nationwide delivery thanks to our close relationship with other florists across the country. No matter the reason or the season, trust Shotwell Floral with your flower delivery for any occasion.


Our Fargo Location

Address:4000 40th St. S
Fargo, ND 58104

Phone:(701) 356-9377

ZIP Codes Served

56529, 56560, 56580, 58042, 58047, 58051, 58078, 58102, 58103, 58104, 58105, 58122


Delivery Directory